What are the Secure Exchanges configuration settings on Outlook?

What are the Secure Exchanges configuration settings on Outlook?

Various Secure Exchanges settings can be configured on Outlook:

1. Messages Settings :

On this pane, you can define the options for sending and receiving your secure emails, the language of your connector and communication, the security and opening options that will be applied by default (which you can modify when sending your email on the pop-up window that appears).

2. Envelop Options :

You can set the number of openings and the expiry time to apply by default for your envelopes as well as choose whether or not you want your contact to be notified when you open the return envelope.

3. Signature :

This tab allows you to choose whether or not to activate the two options offered by checking or unchecking the boxes according to your preferences.
When the first box is unchecked, the recipients of your email in CC and BCC will only receive the email as well as the signed documents. They will not be able to sign the documents.

4. Login details :

From this setting you can configure your Profile ID, reset your license and verify your login information.

5. Thesaurus :

This pane shows you the list of terms that have been configured as sensitive information.

When one of these terms is detected on the text of your email and you choose to send the email without using Secure Exchanges, the following window will appear on your screen to notify you that a sensitive field has been detected and that 'You will probably need to secure your email:

6. License :

You will see on this part all the information corresponding to your license.

7. SEWD :

This pane displays the default settings established for the Secure Exchanges Watch Dog.