Secure Exchanges Vulnerability Analysis

Secure Exchanges Vulnerability Analysis

Secure Exchanges offers a vulnerability analysis feature to help detect exchanges that contain potentially vulnerable information at risk of compromise.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use this analysis function in Outlook:

Step 1: Accessing the Analysis

  • Open Outlook and in the top ribbon, locate the Secure Exchanges tab.
  • Click on "Vulnerability Analysis" which is represented by a specific icon.

Step 2: Selecting Items to Analyze
  • Once the analysis window is open, you will have various options such as "Passwords," "Credit Cards," "Network Information," etc.
  • Check the boxes corresponding to the types of information you want to analyze.

Step 3: Starting the Analysis
  1. After selecting the types of information, click on the "Analyze" button.
  2. During the analysis, the main window will display all the emails detected as potential information leaks.

Step 4: Analysis Report
  • After the analysis is complete, you have the option to generate a comprehensive report.
  • Click on "Generate Report" to receive a detailed summary of the results.

The generated report will give you a clear overview of potential vulnerabilities in your exchanges, allowing you to take corrective actions to secure your information.

Example of a Report:

The report includes several pages; the image above is an example.

Vulnerabilities are classified into low, moderate, and high risk, with specific advice for each type of vulnerability detected. For example, passwords found in emails should be handled cautiously, and credit card information should not be disclosed without secure encryption.

The report also includes practical recommendations for securing your exchanges, such as using encryption services to share confidential information.

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