Beta Version : How to Send a Document for Signing with Secure Exchanges via Outlook Web?

Beta Version : How to Send a Document for Signing with Secure Exchanges via Outlook Web?

To utilize the Secure Exchanges signing system, it's essential to have either an Advanced or Pro license. For more information about our license offerings and to upgrade, please visit our website.

Composing the Message: Start by writing your email as usual by clicking on 'New Message'. Enter the recipients' addresses, the subject, and the body of the message.

The order of the recipients will determine the sequence of signatures.

Selecting the Document: A Secure Exchanges window will open to the right of your screen. Drag and drop the file into this window or use the 'Select your files' option to add it from your computer.

Important: The document must be in PDF format.

Initiating the Signature Process: Click on 'Get a signature' to begin the process.

Creating Signature Zones: Use the following icon " " to open the signature zone configuration window.

If you are also a signatory of the document, check the box 'I need to sign the document(s)'.

Draw the signature zones by holding down the left click of your cursor and moving the mouse.

-Use the dropdown list to specify the type of information required in each zone (signature, initials, text, date, etc.).

Here are the options available in the dropdown list for identifying what you want in the zone:

Signature: the signatory must affix their signature.
Initial: the signatory must affix their initials.
Text: the signatory can enter text (This option is used for the signatory to enter their name, for example).
Date picker: a calendar will be available to select a date.
Date of signature: the current date will be automatically entered upon signing.
Number: the signatory can only enter numbers.
CheckBox: a checkbox will be available.
Radio: you can create groups for the signatory to make a checkbox selection.

When creating signature zones in your document, you can use keyboard shortcuts for increased efficiency. Each type of field corresponds to a specific letter. For example, press the "S" key to quickly insert a signature field, or "N" for a number field. These shortcuts simplify and speed up the setup of your signature zones.

If you have only one signatory and have finished defining the signature zones, proceed to the next step. However, if multiple signatories are necessary, select the next signatory from the dropdown list and repeat steps 5 and 6 to define the signature zones.

To enable multiple people to sign the same document, you must have the multi-signatory functionality, accessible with the Pro license. To change your license, please refer to the following article: How to Change My License.

Once you have finished defining your zones, press 'Apply' in the top left corner and then send.

Signature Notification: You will be notified once the recipient has signed the document. Then, you will receive a copy of the signed document which you can download to your folders.

 Pour l'article en français, cliquez ici.