GetNotify: (True | False) Enables notifications on
message openings
AlwaysSendSecure: (True | False) Always use Secure
Exchanges for sending email
AskBefore: (True | False) Enable or disable Secure
SetPassword: (True | False) Make password mandatory
UILanguage: (fr-CA | en-CA) Determines the UI language
DefaultNbOpenTime: (1 – 99) Determines the default
number of times a message can be opened without additional protection
MaximumReplyExpirationHours: (1 - 720) Number of hours
before an envelope expires
MaximumReplyOpenTime: (1 – 99) Number of times an
envelope can be used, and number of times a return envelope can be opened
AutoDetectProxy: (True|False) Automatic proxy
Disable: (True | False) Disable Secure Exchanges
DefaultMessageType: dword: 00000001|dword:00000001 :
Default protect message =0, attachments=1
AlreadyRegistred: Reserved for Secure Exchanges
AlwaysUseSMS: (True | False) Make SMS code use
EnableMailDecryption: (True|False) Enable the email
decryption button in the ribbon
EnableSEWD: (True|False) Activate Secure Exchanges
Watch Dog
RequestProtectionWithAttachmentOnly: (True | False)
Activate Secure Exchanges on emails with attachment only
NbUploadsThreads: dword:0000000a Number of hexadecimal
threads ranging from 1 to 10 for document uploads
EnableSEWDStartup: (True|False) Launch SEWD.exe at
Windows startup
SEWD: SEWD.exe: Reserved for Secure Exchanges
KeepSentItemClearText: (True|False) Keep sent items in
clear text
AutoDownloadFiles: (True|False) Automatically download
attachments upon decryption of a message
AutoDecrypt: (True|False) Automatically decrypt
incoming Secure Exchanges emails
EncryptEmailOnClose: (True|False) Re-encrypt a Secure
Exchanges email upon closing
ActivateThesaurus: (True|False) Activate thesaurus
function for keyword search triggering Secure Exchanges activation
AttachFileToEmailIfPossible: (True|False) When an
email is decrypted by Outlook, attach files smaller than 50 Mb to the email
EnableSupportTrace: Reserved for Secure Exchanges
UseSystemDefaultProxy: (True|False) Use the default
system proxy
DeleteCryptedCopySentItemWhenSaveInClear: (True|False)
Delete the encrypted version of the email when a clear copy is saved
DefaultNbOpenTimeWhenSafe: dword:00000003 Determines
the default number of openings when a password or SMS code is applied.
LockSettingsChangByUser: (True |False) Prevents the
user from changing their settings via Outlook
PswAndSMSProtectionOperator: (and | or) allows
activating the option to choose a password or SMS code when both are mandatory
(SetPassword and AlwaysUseSMS)
NotifyUserWhenEnvelopIsRead: (True|False) Allows
disabling the notification sent to the person who filled the envelope when the
license holder of Secure Exchanges opens the email. (default True)
IsChatEnable: (True|False) Disables the ability to
start a chat
IsSendBySMSEnable: (True|False) Disables the ability
to send an SMS or generate a link rather than sending an email via Outlook.