Installing the new Secure Exchanges SSL certificate - Administrator

Installing the new Secure Exchanges SSL certificate - Administrator

If you have another procedure, you can certainly use it. The script we provide is simply a tool to help streamline the process. The important thing is to ensure that our new certificate is properly added to TrustedPublisher for each Secure Exchanges user.

If you would like to install our new certificate upstream for your users, follow the steps below

Steps to follow

1. Download the SSL certificate and PowerShell script (available at the bottom of this article)

Download the two files provided by Secure Exchanges:
  1. The SSL certificate.
  2. The PowerShell script to deploy the certificate via GPO.

2. Modifying the PowerShell script

Before running the script, you need to specify the path to your SSL certificate in the PowerShell script. Here's how to do it:
  1. Open the PowerShell file in a text editor (such as Notepad or VS Code).
  2. Locate the line with the certificate path (often CertPath or similar).
  3. Replace the example path with the network or local path where you've stored the SSL certificate. Example:
  4. Save the changes.

3. Roll your GPO